I think this may have been the most stressful day we have had since we embarked on this adventure. We got to the campground, which is a great place, btw and got to our site. Initially we had a miscommunication and I pulled into the site from the wrong direction. We decided it was no problem, as we were going to be only here for one night. We could just run the electric and water under the RV, as we have enough length to do so, in case we ever run into an issue of the amenities being on the opposite side from usual. No problem, right?!?!?
WRONG! We went to unhook June from Johnny and suddenly June dropped drastically and almost hit Johnny, which would have caused a significant amount of damage. We reset and tried to rehook June onto the hitch and a reason then unknown to us, the hitch would not engage the lock. We tried multiple times unsuccessfully to rehook. We realized that the site was very sloped, with the lowest end being at the back of the rig…and headed straight for the lake you see in the photo. I was terrified that if I kept trying to back into the hitch, it would spur the RV to start rolling towards the lake…which as you can see from the photo has only a small bench to block the path…June would have bulldozed that bench and ended up taking a swim! We only had wedge chocks at the time, so we secured June as much as possible and ran off to get some x-chocks and larger wedge chocks to make our attempts at hitching less frightening. We did finally successfully hitch June and get the hitch to engage the lock. I drove her around the ‘correct’ way and she unhooked and leveled without further issue. We learned a very valuable lesson to NEVER try to unhook with June’s booty headed down a slope…always have Johnny on the downward slope, so that he can stop June from doing anything rash! **Sigh** I wish I could say I enjoyed the stay at this campground…but I was a mess by the time we got everything situated and both Ed and I pretty much collapsed into bed. What a day! Thankfully, it all worked out without any damage to anything other than our egos. Lessons learned today for sure!

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