Paradise RV Park (July 7-July 19)


We begrudgingly left Tall Chief (it has to be one of my top campgrounds we have been to).  We are in Paradise RV Park in Silver Creek, WA.  The area is gorgeous!  On the main road on a clear day, you can see both Mt Rainer and Mt St Helen’s.  There is an area as you drive up to the campground that has a cute sign that says “Slow Down and Look Around, isn’t this Paradise” and the view is spectacular.  As for the campground…eh, it isn’t my favorite type of campground.  It is pretty crowded in the sewer site areas.  I prefer to have a sewer hook-up so that I can do laundry, take showers and not have to worry about filling the tanks.  Also, having the Honey Wagon service come empty your tanks is not cheap, yet it much easier than having to pack everything up, put your stuff all over the site to make sure it is clear that it is taken and go to the dump station…then only to return and have to set up all over again.  The sites here are tiered and super close together.  There are trees, but they are sappy trees that in just the first day had everything outside covered in a thin layer of glue-like sap.  Unfortunately, in order to get a sewer spot with a decent area for the satellite internet, we ended up really close to the pool.  Just like in hotels, I do not like being near the pool, because it seems to always be loud and irritating.  
I will say, again, that the area is beautiful.  Even the campground has some really pretty areas.  The lower far back sites are nice and spacious and way more private than the sewer hook-up sites.  It would be nice if they got some sewer run back there.  Of course, it would be a battle for those sites I suppose.  I can go without sewer if necessary, but will always opt for a sewer site when I can.
Ed got me these great picnic table covers…they came in handy for the sticky sap situation, I could just take a wet soapy rag and wash the sticky off and rinse the soap away.  I like being outside when the weather is nice, I took the opportunity to wash, bleach and seal some sand dollars I have picked up along our travels to prepare them for painting.  I figure I can drop those in the Free Little Art Galleries for others to enjoy.  I painted a few during our stay.


We drove up to Keyport to visit the Naval Under Sea Museum.  This is a pretty cool place.  I read a ton of stuff about deep sea divers and submarines that had my claustrophobia on high alert.  It is amazing to me what these soldiers go through during their training and eventual jobs.  Honestly, it is like reading a horror story to me, but bless their souls that there are folks out there willing and dare I say even excited to do this kind of work!  Chilling…
On the way home from the museum, we stopped at a couple of F.L.A.G.’s to donate some art and pick up a couple more cool pieces.
Some pretty daisies and a view of Mt St Helen’s from the road up to the campground.
The view from the road to the campground zoomed out a bit
A view of Mt Rainer from Eatonville on the way back to Tall Chief campground.
**We FINALLY have a surgery date.  Ed’s Mohs surgery will be on July 27th in Seattle.  We are going back to Tall Chief, as it is only 25 minutes from Seattle instead of the 1.5 hours this campground is.  Fortunately, Ed was able to work out getting a full 3 week stay there, which will be nice for resting after surgery and being close for any possible unforeseen complications and follow-up.


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